Sunday, November 9, 2008

Just a thought

So while I was getting some work done on the house today, I was thinking about the article that I wrote for about getting into shape. I'm pretty sure that I should have done a better job and will be getting around to writing a better one soon. I think I'll be posting a few other articles about stuff I'm interested in too. Why not right?

The cold weather is a nice change, and it helps keep all those pesky insects at bay. If only it was mid fall weather year round, I would just love it.

Also another thought that crossed my mind was, to share some of the web sites that I read on a daily basis to help me keep up with everything. Warning, not one of them is a Traditional news site, you can use yahoo for that. - great for all this tech update - har har, but it's for things related to being green tech/social/food - daily deals on random stuff. Keep looking and you just might find a good deal - M.I.T. site about new emerging tech - news related to the computer/gaming industries

That's it for the ones I read most often, I have others too but I don't read them daily so no biggy.

sigh, not too many readers, but that's expected of a new blog. Esp when there is everything in the world to do.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Work work work, I hate it

So it's Saturday, and I'm sure lots of people are off doing whatever they please. Wish I sometimes. But I'm currently in the middle of building a house, MY house. It was a surprise gift from my grand-ma for coming home from the service. The real surprise it that I have to help build it. No sweat, right? Wrong. I grew up using computers and spent the last 7 years working with electronics, not building buildings. Granted the military does kinda give you the "I can that, move" attitude, but its a big undertaking. Oh yeah, to help with the pressure of it all, my grand father built his house, my step-father was a carpenter and built everything, and my uncle is carpenter and built many houses. So, no pressure.

As for the title of this posting, that's what I was doing today, work. And not for money. I'm sure someone would argue that building my own house is it's own reward. Whatever. When it changes from a house to a home, that's when I'll enjoy it.

Friday, November 7, 2008

I spy with my little eye...

Fat people.

Follow me on this, I'm not talking about someone that has some extra weight, I've got plenty myself too. I'm talking about huge people here. When I joined the service back in '01, every fifth person I saw didn't make me think I was going to be eaten. And I'm over 200lbs and trained. I know that everyone wants to lose a little weight by cutting back on their diet, or cutting out the carbohydrates or protein, but that will really just screw with your body. Make it go into survival mode, ie start hoarding calories. The best thing to lose FAT is to gain muscle.

Yes, yes, people may gain weight doing this sort of thing, but they will be healthier for it. Ask yourself, would you rather be the one that gets tired walking up a few flights of stairs, or the one that can run several miles and still have energy to spare? I had the Army to train me to be able to run, and lift, and fight. Some of it really great training, some was really boring. But the results spoke for themselves, I was in the best physical condition of my life. But the military is not for everyone, luckily there are people that put programs together like this one:Click Here

I know I could be in better shape, but I also have knee and back injuries from my service tour, so I have a valid reason to be a little heavier. What's yours? Not to single people out, but we all need to be in better health. I spent a total of three years over in Europe, mostly in Germany, and I can tell you this: those people walk EVERYWHERE. Now most people don't know what a lot of walking is. Military people go on "marches" of 4 to 13 miles with gear on their backs. I can tell you that marches are nothing compared to what most city living europeans do, and it builds sexy calf's too.

So next time you drive to the supermarket, park a couple spaces further away. Small things like this will add up. If you really want to be more active, get a pedometer. They count your steps everywhere you go. The AVERAGE American takes 3k to 4k steps a day. A "fit" American takes 8k to 9k steps, which is good enough to keep them in good condition. If you think these numbers are crazy, just pick up a pedometer and wear it a few days. That will help you burn more fat, and build sexy calf's on the women.

If you're one of the ones that think gaining ANY kind of weight is bad, then you really need some therapy. Seriously. Muscle is good for your body, it keeps your bones from slipping out of place(good) and all those niffty organs on your insides(good). I can just hear the thoughts running around, but those people with huge bulging muscle don't look sexy. Your right. They are an extreme, so why even go there? You're not going to go buy a compact family car and buy a Grey Hound Bus are you? No, you're not. So quit listening to that nagging voice telling you those silly things(whoever/wherever it's coming from.)

So again, if you want to get into good shape, build some muscle 5 to 15 lbs goes a looonng way towards speeding up your metabolism. That military has great programs, but you need to be in the military for that. So having a military based program is the next best thing, unless you're a professional athlete.
That's my rant.

One last thing, if you love to eat, but don't want to gain fat, then you should know that more muscle means you can eat more and not feel guilty.

Steven P

Woot, start time.

Alright, so I'm Steven P and this is my new blog. My first blog actually(I don't count Myspace). I've been lost to most of the world for the past 7 years and I'm finally catching up. By lost I don't mean that I was in a comma somewhere. I was enlisted in the U.S. Army repairing communication stuff, and now I'm out(I'm free!).

For those of you that want to know, my last day was August 30th, and yes I've been to Iraq. Twice. And no I didn't end anybodies life while I was there, but I was a trigger pull away a few times. If you really want to know what it's like there, then heat your oven to 130 degrees and put your head in it. That's summertime down south. Hard to explain the whole raining death thing with I won't go into it here.

I'll be posting some other stuff later, and I hope that people find it interesting, or entertaining at least.

Bis dann <--That's German for "Until then"

Steven P