Saturday, November 8, 2008

Work work work, I hate it

So it's Saturday, and I'm sure lots of people are off doing whatever they please. Wish I sometimes. But I'm currently in the middle of building a house, MY house. It was a surprise gift from my grand-ma for coming home from the service. The real surprise it that I have to help build it. No sweat, right? Wrong. I grew up using computers and spent the last 7 years working with electronics, not building buildings. Granted the military does kinda give you the "I can that, move" attitude, but its a big undertaking. Oh yeah, to help with the pressure of it all, my grand father built his house, my step-father was a carpenter and built everything, and my uncle is carpenter and built many houses. So, no pressure.

As for the title of this posting, that's what I was doing today, work. And not for money. I'm sure someone would argue that building my own house is it's own reward. Whatever. When it changes from a house to a home, that's when I'll enjoy it.

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